Our currency is ratings.
The more you participate,
the more insight you get.
Why Reveal Insight
Reveal Insight provides free access to a fully verified peer-to-peer rating service on money managers, advisors and private placements. Rating is entirely anonymous and available to anyone who can prove investment or interaction. This allows other investors to make informed, insightful decisions powered by investor experiences
Reveal Insight provides free access to a peer-to-peer rating service …
What We Do
By leveraging the power of our community, Reveal Insight helps asset managers raise capital, and we simplify the investing with less well-known managers by making the process methodical and objective.
We matchmake asset managers with suitable investors.
Investors can provide a rating for a manager, which, combined with our verification, grant you the trust you need to raise assets.
Reveal Insight allows you to identify the most trustworthy and professional boutique asset managers, which are also high performers. It is able to do this by providing you with feedback from the experiences of previous investors and other intermediaries. Increase your revenue by preventing circumvention. Learn which managers are honest and timely pay their fee shares.
We reduce the workload for Research Analysts and CIOs by identifying the best-fit boutique managers from much of the 50,000+ asset manager community while verifying the due diligence supplied by managers and providing qualitative ratings so that you can know which managers to trust.
Reveal Insight for service providers can help you find new clients while helping your current ones. Verify your services for asset managers upon their request or simply register free and add your company profile and gain access to a platform with thousands other managers.
" We live in an age in which clients have become desensitized to marketing. They're looking for something authentic and real, and that's where Reveal Insight comes in. Reveal Insight brings true transparency and credibility to the referral process. Prospective clients have the ability to vet a manager by reviewing the experiences of current and former clients. This is a game changer for the client acquisition process."
"This platform is exactly what the industry needs. There are way too many robotic platforms that rank managers based on the past performance encouraging investors to buy high and sell low and totally dismissing process, philosophy, experience and other types of value proposition."
"The truth in investments is that trust and integrity plays the biggest role for a client to entrust their funds with anyone."
"Never had a better e-intro! You sure got my attention. Your story sounds like my wife wrote it after she heard me complain for the past 9 years..."
"Reveal Insight seems to be a very promising disruptor of the Private Equity industry"